Simplify your home maintenance by bundling your care with our straight-forward packages below.
Prices vary by options and property size, and each tier can be customized to your specific needs!
Tier 1
Package includes:
Irrigation System Spring Turn Up and Test
Weekly Mowing Service (26 weeks)
Spring and Fall Aeration with Overseeding and Fertilization included
Irrigation System Fall Blow Out and Winterization
Tier 2
Package includes:
Irrigation System Spring Turn Up and Test
Weekly Mowing Service (26 weeks)
Spring and Fall Aeration with Overseeding and Fertilization included
Spring and Fall Leaf and Debris Cleanup
Bi-weekly Irrigation System Testing and Adjustments
Weekly Flower Bed and Vegetable Garden Maintenance*
Irrigation System Fall Blow Out and Winterization
*Annual and Perennial plantings not included, but available as a additional service
Tier 3
Package includes:
Irrigation System Spring Turn Up and Test
Weekly Mowing Service (26 weeks)
Spring and Fall Aeration with Overseeding and Fertilization included
Mid-season Lawn Fertilization
Spring and Fall Leaf and Debris Cleanup
Bi-weekly Irrigation System Testing and Adjustments
Weekly Flower Bed and Vegetable Garden Maintenance*
Spring, Mid-season, and Fall Flower Bed and Vegetable Garden Fertilization
Monthly Shrub and Tree Pruning and Shaping
Mulch Bed Maintenance, including Grass Edging
Irrigation System Fall Blow Out and Winterization
Snow Removal (with Ice Melt Option)
*Annual and Perennial plantings not included, but available as a additional service